New Moon in Aries 2022

The Warrior’s Catharsis

On the 1st of April, we’ll be experiencing the first new moon of the new astrological year. Every new moon is significant as it marks the beginning of a new cycle and is ideal for manifesting, but this new moon is particularly unique for its healing narrative.

Both the sun and the moon will be in 11 degrees Aries. Both will be in conjunction with Mercury in 9 degrees Aries and Chiron in 13 degrees Aries.

Mercury is the planetary body that symbolises communication, information and intellect whilst Chiron is the celestial body that represents our deepest wounds in this lifetime.

What to expect this new moon

The conjunction with Chiron and Mercury strongly influences the energy of this new moon with its closure for transforming our traumas, our deepest wounds and our painfulest deceptions into our core strengths.

Aries is encouraging us to accept the person that we have become thanks to the obstacles and struggles life has made us overcome to build our character, our strength and our resilience.

During the days before and after this new moon, unexpected revelations and conversations may happen that will lead to separations that will seem out of the blue.


Because we’ll be letting go of the hurt and coping mechanisms that no longer serve us thanks to Chiron.

We’ll be releasing the pain that’s been pulling us back to reset our lives to prepare us for new beginnings where we put ourselves first.

Having said all of this, this new moon might resurface unresolved hurt and pain that needs acknowledgement, acceptance and compassion in order to end this chapter in our lives.

As painful as it might be to come to terms with what was done to us, what we did wrong to others or how we disappointed ourselves.

We aren’t the pain we’ve felt, we’re the person who endured it and got stronger from it.

This new moon is the catharsis we need to get back to our Arian “it’s go time” energy back on track. Its what we need to get back to our authentic and true self unapologetically.

Aries is asking us to release our past battles, heal our wounds and wear them as battle scars. Chiron is telling us to process where we’ve come from so we can head forward.

Time to pull ourselves together and set for the journey ahead, with an open heart and the will to fight for what we stand for.

The will to fight for the person we want to be and the life we want.

New Moon Ritual Suggestions

The new moon is considered to be the inhale of the moon cycle – when we manifest or set ourselves goals that we would like to be completed or materialised by the full moon.

The new moon in Aries is fantastic for manifesting the life we want as Aries is all about action, new projects, energy, optimism and competition.

Aries has a very entrepreneur-ish energy to it, kind of the energetic colleague that is overly enthusiastic about getting things done but is the motivation of a team.

However, as this new moon’s vibe is generally about healing, here are three suggestions for your new moon ritual besides manifesting the new beginnings to your projects or personal endeavours.

1. Journaling

Journaling is always a great way to come to ground ourselves and get in tune with the present moment to understand what’s going on in our lives.

This new moon, take the time to sit down and write about which stage of your life you’re in. Allow yourself to dig deeper about what’s really going on with questions like:

  • What’s been present in my life and mind lately?
  • What new projects or beginnings am I considering at the moment or am I experiencing right now?
  • What is annoying me or concerning me lately? Why?

2. Affirmations

Whenever we go through difficult times, we tend to remind ourselves of what we’re not instead of reminding ourselves of who we truly are at our core.

Although it might be tricky or feel corny for many of us to acknowledge our positive qualities and values, it’s essential to affirm them to ourselves to fight our inner critic.

So, what do you need to tell yourself to affirm your identity?

Encourage yourself to write about your qualities, your strenghts, your values and so on by starting each sentence with “I am.”

Bonus points if you make your writing setting special for yourself with candles, incense and music to get yourself in the mood for some quality time with yourself!

3. Shadow Work

Now, not everyone will be up for this practice but I think it’s one of the most important practices in spiritual work when working on the self.

Shadow Work is based on the Jungian idea of working on our unconscious patterns that we tend to ignore.

These unacknowledged thinking patterns influence our day to day actions and unless we sit with yourselves and call ourselves out on these behavioural and thought patterns, we won’t be able to act more aligned with what we truly believe in.

Shadow work usually has to do with the hidden misconceptions we have about ourselves and others and tend to be negative and trauma related.

Shadow Work for this New Moon

Having said this, this new moon’s conjunction with Chiron is perfect to be in tune with our deepest thoughts and feelings to acknowledge them and allow ourselves to heal.

This practice is especially recommended for those of us that have had a tough time at the beginning of Aries season. This new moon is a chance to take resurfacing pain and treat it with compassion.

Some shadow work prompts for your journaling or for your mind to dwell on:

  • What has caused me anxiety, apathy, depression or discomfort lately?
  • How does this make me feel and act towards others and myself?
  • Which life experience does this discomfort remind me of? What would’ve been the best way to have navigated that experience?
  • Do I have an unacknowledged need or pain hidden behind that experience that needs to be acknowledged for me to release it and heal?

The New Moon & You

Lastly, I recommend looking into your birth chart to see how this new moon personally affects you.

What house is it transiting? Do you have any planets in Aries? How has this transit manifested in your daily life lately?

Want to know how this new moon affects you?

Book your birth chart reading today