Holistic Services


“I’ve received three LNT sessions with Ally. The physical change has been practically immediate after every session. However, the most shocking has been my change in perspective. Since the sessions, I feel more present in my day to day life and in harmony with my instincts. Ally is a professional that proves to be committed with every step of the process.

— Amaia, energy therapy patient

“Receiving a tarot reading from Ally was absolutely lovely. The messages were very clear and direct yet delivered in a caring manner by her. Honestly, she clarified a lots of scenarios and she made me understand that not everything is black and white.
An absolute pleasure to have met her.

— Manuela, tarot client

What do you need?

LNT® a spiritual and quantum technique that works on releasing energy stored in our physical body due to trauma – whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

I take an intuitive approach to my readings along with a profound look into the spiritual and psychological aspect of each reading to find the path most aligned to your values and purpose.

Deepen your understanding of your personality and your life’s narrative through the powerful and potentially life-altering language of astrology.

Have a question? Send me a message!