New Moon Eclipse in Aries 2023

This New Moon in Aries definitely brings us a feeling of newness immersing itself in our lives. Perhaps it has been something we have all been longing for yet, like all new things, we are startled by not knowing what to expect.

However, this discomfort is an opportunity for miraculous growth and new experiences. We have been pushed into a new era of our lives and we simply have to accept whatever is coming our way and face it head on – like the warrior that Aries is.

New Moon In Aries 2023

Many of us haven’t really felt any major shifts since the beginning of 2023. Some of us have felt like we’re sluggishly progressing, but everything remains more or less the same.

This New Moon marks the beginning of three promising, intense days that astrologers have been anticipating since the beginning of 2023.