A Triple Conjunction in Aries

March 1st 2023: Venus, Jupiter and Chiron conjunct in Aries

Have you been feeling an odd sense of optimism lately? A strong feeling that you’ve finally healed something that’s been holding you back and now you can finally move on?

No, it’s not one of the Piscean illusions that usually catches us in the midst of idealism, but it is in the stars.

What’s in the stars?

Over the past few days, Jupiter, Venus and Chiron have been coming closer and closer together.

This evening, if we look on the Western horizon as the sun is about to set, we’ll be blessed to see Venus and Jupiter shining closely together in the heavens.

In this triple conjunction, both Venus and Jupiter are in 11 degrees of Aries and Chiron is incredibly close in 13 degrees of Aries.

Chiron: the Wounded Healer

Chiron symbolises the wounded healer and can give important insight into what our deepest pain is, how we navigate it and our own ability to heal others from their own pain.

It has dense, transformative energy that can be sorrowful and painful, but can bring an awareness that gives way to significant spiritual growth.

Venus & Jupiter: The Benefics

Mars (Aries) And Venus Allegory, 1770 by Jean Louis Jean François Lagrenée

In astrology, a benefic planet is one that tends to have a positive influence that facilitates growth in comparison to the malefic planets, which can be more challenging yet rewarding.

Venus symbolises love, harmony, beauty and relationships whilst Jupiter has to do with expansion, luck, growth and optimism.

Both Venus and Jupiter are considered benefics for their helpful and positive influences. Therefore, they bring a very promising energy to their conjunction with Chiron.

What’s the vibe?

Since last weekend, many of us have been washed up with feelings of past wounds that need to be healed in order to move on. We’ve also been contemplating a change in routine or acquiring a new habit in our lives to accomodate this necessary change in perspective.

The tone of this conjunction is inspiring and purifying, something that feels like a much needed breath of fresh air as well as a much needed change in perspective. It marks a completely different tone to what we have been feeling for the past few months, let alone since 2020.

Symbolically, the energy of this conjunction is a combination of the Three of Swords, related to pain, heaviness and a need to release, along with the Major Arcana card The Devil, our shadow. However, it is massively impacted with the uplifting and satisfying energy like in the 9 of Cups, symbolising stability and peace from a nearing the completion of an emotional journey.

There’s an awareness ushered by Chiron that we is being released by the shackles of what has been weighing us down for a long time (The Devil card). We are finally seeing it with healed clarity (aftermath of 3 of Swords) that now allows us to step into the future without our past weighing us down.

Tips for this Astrological Time

As this conjunction is in Aries, there is a strong feeling of initiative and new beginnings. There is a need for independence and trust in ourselves to move forward.

Here are some suggestions on how to harness this optimistic and powerful energy.

Acknowledge, Heal, Release

It may be helpful to pin point what wound or limiting belief was so painfully embedded in us that was holding us back. By acknowledging it, we appreciate the healing journey we’ve been on and allow ourselves to express gratitude for our resilience. This way,we truly release this wound from influencing our present and future lives.

Get Courageously Uncomfortable

When we come from a place of hurt, we tend to structure our lives around whatever makes us feel safe to not risk opening old wounds.

However, when we finally heal, all of the activities we left on a backburner to avoid risking comfort seem appealing and exciting, yet we might be hesitating whether to take them or anything new up again.

Although we may not see everything clearly yet because we are just beginning this new chapter of our growth, Venus and Jupiter are giving us the uplifting energy to want to take the first steps to dare ourselves enough to challenge our fears to truly integrate our healed wounds.

Don’t Seek Advice

This is an incredibly important time to trust our gut with what we think is best for ourselves to move on and embrace this new healed version of ourselves.

Everyone’s deep wounds are different, so when it comes to this conjunction it is perhaps best not to share your thoughts on your healing journey as others can project their own thoughts onto your life.

At the end of the day, we know what we’ve been through and we are the best people to advice ourselves.

And most importantly

Cut yourself some slack.

Its the little steps after recovery that truly matter, and you’ve done plenty.

You’ve put in the work to heal, you deserve to put yourself out there again and experience life in a different way again. You can recreate yourself again, and afterall, isn’t that what life’s all about?

Want to Know How This Conjunction Influences Your Natal Chart?

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