3 Books I’ve Read This Capricorn Season

Capricorn season is by far one of the heaviest astrological seasons energy-wise. Sagittarius has us all hyped up about festivities and spending quality time with family and friends over the holidays, but the perpetual shift to Capricorn is undeniably evident as we feel the potent authoritative Saturn energy kick in.

In this post, I’ll be sharing the 3 books I’ve read this Capricorn season filled with the ambitious, self-disciplined energy of the cardinal sign. But first, here’s a bit more about Capricorn energy.

The Capricorn Vibe

Depiction of Capricorn in the Book of Hours (15th-16th Century)

Capricorn is an incredibly hardworking, charismatic and practical sign that does not want to do things too quickly to avoid impracticalities. It’s a sign powered by its self-discipline, organisation and ambition that can, at times, lead to act ruthlessly.

As much as Capricorn is aware of the realistic approaches it must take to get what it wants, its also weighed down by its cynicism.

Capricorn is known for its positive and negative traits. It’s the CEO of the zodiac signs, the “father” archetype, which makes sense considering its ruled by Saturn, the `planet of structure, law, responsibility and ambition. Let’s not forget that Capricorn’s sister sign is nurturing, sentient, intuitive Cancer – the mother of the zodiac signs.

I strongly feel that people who have strong Capricorn placements can be incredibly respectful, wise and surprisingly generous people – but the weight of their ambitions and their hyperrealist, practical view on life can limit them and, at its worst, be incredibly hard on themselves.

Nevertheless, as with any sign, once its light and shadow traits are mastered – Capricorn placements can be the ultimate knowledgeable and trustworthy authoritative figures in our lives.

Harnessing Capricorn Energy Through Books

Those with strong Capricorn placements will know that they tend to be incredibly business-oriented and methodical. Having said this, I’m going to be sharing three of the books all of which promote Capricorn energy – hard work, patience, ambition, practicality, and methodology.

Bare in mind that these are simply books I have chosen for myself to read over these past few weeks to embrace the current energy and in no way am I trying to restrict the Capricornian archetype to these books. Archetypes are broad and have their own little worlds, these is merely a glimpse into the Capricornian world.

Financial Recovery by Karen McCall

Financial Recovery: Developing a Healthy Relationship With Money by Karen McCall

New Years celebrations are lovely for their sense of optimism. We set ourselves intentions for the year, we make a list of new years resolutions and, most of all, we set ourselves goals – including financial ones.

I strongly believe that all aspects of your life need to be nurtured – whether it be self-image, political views, health, relationships, traveling… Yet, we are inevitably conditioned by our society to turn a blind eye on some of the pillars of our life: sex, politics and, yes, money.

Having said this, I wanted to dive into Karen McCall’s book to reflect on my relationship with money to set the tone for the upcoming year.

In this book, McCall invites you to reflect on your relationship with finances, something that can be triggering for many of us.

She encourages you to dive deeper and let go of the overwhelming fear of your financial life. She makes you raise questions about growing up with money and how your past jobs have molded your perception of earning and spending money.

What I love about this book is that it isn’t typical success story that dictates how “you too can earn money overnight!” or how it’s all about earning millions to be successful. It’s a book that allows you to rediscover your wants and needs, differentiating them and learning that through being mindful of what you decide to spend your money on, you anchor your awareness to continuously meeting your needs.

The Introvert Entrepreneur by Beth L. Buelow

The Introvert Entrepreneur by Beth L. Buelow

Now, here’s an interesting read I wish I had picked up when I started spiritu.ally.

We’re at a time when courses, masterclasses and youtube videos on anything is only a click away. However, no matter how much you can learn online, if you’re an introvert you might know the theory, it might sound right, but it doesn’t feel right.

Buelow does a fantastic job at digging into the introvert psyche to twig at the entrepreneurial basics that so many already know but don’t manage to grasp completely.

Introverts have the tendency to get and spend their energy alone, gathering up information like bookworms or internet lurkers. They make amazing listeners and give interesting insights on topics because of their contemplative nature.

However, such positive traits find themselves at a brick wall: being with people absolutely drains their energy, so how are they meant to start a business when they find social interaction so incredibly tiring?

I highly recommend this book to anyone who is an introvert and is starting (or has started) their own business, especially if it’s service oriented. I would have saved myself a lot of hard lessons and saved myself a lot of time if I had read this book sooner.

Sell It Like Serhant by Ryan Serhant

Sell It Like Serhant by Ryan Serhant

If you’re into reality shows or real estate, you might have heard of Ryan Serhant. My family used to watch the show he was featured on, Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing, and were marvelled by how Serhant would sell properties in the millions.

The book is very easy to read and gives you clear cues on how to go about the salesperson mentality, the impact of first impressions, the importance of radiating confidence and, most importantly, how to structure your workload and client list to be as efficient and practical as possible to get your business going.

The book has some simple ideas and indications that are also often featured on his Youtube account, which were made shortly after the book was published.

Why Business Books?

There are plenty of books out there about finances, business and sales – but they all echo the same principles for what it takes to create a successful enterprise for yourself.

They value an organised, methodic approach. They encourage an invincible fusion of ambition and self-discipline. They emphasise on the mastery of hardwork, practicality and patience. And, finally, they highlight the power of charisma, respect and reliability.

These are all Capricornian traits that, although they may seem heavy and do indeed give us the unbearing weight of having to be mature and, dare I say it, proper grown-ups.

These are the traits necessary to bring some of the most important foundations in our lives and Capricorn is simply a reminder that tapping into that energy can give us the stability that many of us long for to be able to thrive.

Want to Know About How Capricorn Influences Your Chart?

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